Soak Your Feet

Soak your feet 
In the river. Sink knee-deep until your head goes under the sea.
Go under, drink your belly full. Be drunk with the Spirit.
Come up with fish and gather sticks and stones to make a fire. 
Grains and a grinding stone at your camp for you.
Make the fire, cook the fish. Bake the bread. 
Clang the gong, call your guests with the trumpet sound and bid them come
so your new friends may hear and pass it on.
Keep the fire burning as they arrive. There’s more to eat  
More are coming in to eat till they want no more
Tell them they will heal as they eat. Tell them the meal binds hearts;
They will learn oneness, a new move, a new spirit, and a new hunger.
© Enobong O’wunmi.

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